Political Sciences

Phone number: 53. 3284 55 45 – 3284 55 42
e-mail: ppgcpol@gmail.com
Website: http://www2.ufpel.edu.br/isp/ppgcpol/index.php

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Rua Cel. Alberto Rosa, 154, 3º andar, sala 339
Centro – Pelotas/RS
CEP: 96010-770


The Graduate Program in Political Sciences (PPGPol for its spelling in Portuguese), accredited by CAPES in 2010, results from a series of actions that have been undertaken for decades by the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Politics of the Federal University of Pelotas. Converging into successful achievements, the specialization degree in Political Science (currently called Sociology and Politics) was created in 1985 as one of these actions, graduating dozens of students ever since. This was the embryo of the current Undergraduate Program in Social Science established in 1991, to which the Bachelor of Social Science was added in 1994. In 2006, this joint effort resulted in the implementation of the Master’s degree program in Social Sciences, linked to the Sociology Committee/CAPES. Within the four lines of research covered by this program, there is a specific line of research offered in the area of Political Science called “City, State and Public Sphere”, in which three of the professors who currently comprise the PPGCPol worked. Thus, the Graduate Program in Political Science is not only the result of a successful work conducted on an undergraduate and graduate basis, but also consequence of its faculty’s research and thesis/dissertation advising work.

The PPGCPol aims primarily to provide a solid theoretical and methodological education in the area of Political Science. This intended solid training seeks to empower human resources through the qualification of political scientists so as to make them highly skillful to work in different areas of this field of knowledge, identifying problems related to the area and carrying out scientific research projects. Graduates are also expected to develop their ability to analyze and interpret problems and challenges concerning Polit

Area of Concentration

Democracy and Political Processes

Syllabus: Analyze democratic theories and experiences as well the political processes in today’s world, emphasizing the individual-group-institutions relationship.

Lines of Research

Democracy: theory and experiences

This line of research focuses on the analysis of the following contemporary democratic theories: elitist, participatory, republicanism, and discourse. It also seeks to articulate the theoretical debates with the different contemporary democratic experiences, either within the formal political representation or in a participatory/deliberative context.

Faculty working in this line of research:
Daniel de Mendonça
Luciana Maria de Aragão Ballestrin
Rosangela Marione Schulz

Political processes: actors and institutions

This line of research studies political processes with emphasis on the relationship between individuals, groups and institutions in regards to the formation, structuring and consolidation of values, as well as of the political actions in the context of advanced democracy. In this perspective, themes as capital and political culture, political and electoral participation, decision-making processes and relations between the branches of the government, legislative behavior, political recruitment and selection, analysis and evaluation of public policies arise from theoretical and empirical research.

Faculty working in this line of research:

Alvaro Augusto de Borba Barreto
Bianca de Freitas Linhares
Hemerson Luiz Pase
Naiara Dal Molin
Patricia Rodrigues Chaves da Cunha

Study Plan

The curriculum of the academic Master’s degree program in Political Science consists of mandatory and elective courses. The elective courses are common to the two lines of research of the program.

Students are required to complete a total of 28 credits: 12 mandatory and 16 elective courses. The master’s thesis accounts for 4 credits. Therefore, students must amount 32 credits to complete the program.

In compliance with the Graduate Program rules, to qualify for the thesis defense students shall have completed the minimum credits required, passed the thesis qualification exam, and earned at least a grade 6.0 in the foreign language proficiency test (English or French).


Dean of the program:
Professor Daniel de Mendonça – ddmendonca@gmail.com

Number of credits required

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