Animal Science

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The Graduate Program in Animal Science (PPGZ for its spelling in Portuguese) was established in 1977 at the master's and in 2000 at the doctoral level. The program has always sought to act in the different research areas involving Animal Science/Fishery Resources during its years of activity. Initially, the program's major focus was on developing basic research in animal nutrition (ruminants and non-ruminants) and animal production systems. However, soon the research lines in animal breeding and reproduction and fish farming were developed. Currently, PPGZ is directly linked to the livestock production scenario in southern Brazil.
The program's research lines are aligned with the needs and demands of the sectors linked to animal production systems. PPGZ is directly integrated with the market, seeking to adapt the profile of its graduates to work with public bodies related to teaching and research, as well as with the private sector, which today stands out in a representative absorption of graduates from the program.

Graduates from PPGZ are trained in several areas of knowledge related to animal production. The aim is to increasingly improve students' training and critical development so that graduates can broadly meet the basic demands of the productive sector with innovative and technological development actions. Thus, graduates can work directly in the job market, meeting the specific needs and demands of the productive sector where there is room for research and process innovation. Additionally, they can perform in key and strategic areas of the program's development fields by working in agencies directly linked to research and technological development.

Area of Concentration

Lines of Research

Animal Breeding and Reproduction

Animal Nutrition

Pasture and Forage

Production Systems

Study Plan


Biochemistry (5 credits)
Teaching Internship I (1 credit)
Biological Functions Applied to Animal Production (4 credits)
Scientific Methods and Research (5 credits)
Animal Science Seminars I (2 credits)
Animal Science Seminars II (2 credits)
Experimental Techniques in Animal Production (6 credits)

Feed additive in animal nutrition (2 credits)
Fish feeding and nutrition (2 credits)
Metabolic Changes Applied to Poultry (2 credits)
Multivariate Analysis I (4 credits)
Multivariate Analysis II (2 credits)
Analysis of Breeding Experiments (4 credits)
Update on Sheep and Goat Reproductive Management (4 credits)
Advances in Poultry Nutritional Management (3 credits)
Advances in Pig Nutritional Management (3 credits)
Animal Bioclimatology II (3 credits)

Biomechanics of locomotion in the athletic horse

(4 credits)
Inland Shrimp Farming (3 credits)
Forage Conservation (2 credits)
Endocrinology Applied to Animal Production (3 credits)
Spectrophotometry (4 credits)
Genomic Statistics (4 credits)
Ethology and Welfare (3 credits)
Physiology of Reproduction (4 credits)
Physiology of Ruminant and Equine Behavior (4 credits)
Poultry Physiology and Reproductive Management (2 credits)
Biological Functions Applied to Poultry Science (2 credits)
Fundamentals of Pasture Management (3 credits)
Quantitative Genetics I (4 credits)
Immunonutrition for Non-Ruminants (3 credits)
Bayesian Inference in Quantitative Genetics (4 credits)
Plant Physiology Laboratory (2 credits)
Animal Nutrition Laboratory (4 credits)
Limnology (2 credits)
Fish prophylactic management (2 credits)
Animal Breeding II (3 credits)
Poultry Breeding (2 credits)
Animal Metabolism: Control Points (3 credits)
Protein Metabolism (3 credits)
Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism (4 credits)
Lipid Metabolism in Animals (3 credits)
Advanced Methods in Quantitative Genetics (4 credits)
Biometric Models (4 credits)
Applied Linear Models I (4 credits)
Applied Linear Models II (4 credits)
Mixed Models for Animal Breeding (4 credits)
Animal Nutrition (2 credits)
Poultry Nutrition (2 credits)
Ruminant Nutrition (3 credits)
Swine Nutrition (3 credits)
Mineral Nutrition and Plant Fertilization (4 credits)
Natural Pastures (4 credits)
Planning and Analysis of Research Projects (4 credits)
Poultry Reproduction Practices (2 credits)
Beef Cattle Farming (3 credits)
Dairy Cattle Farming (3 credits)
Sheep Farming I (3 credits)
Sheep Farming II (3 credits)
Pasture Production (4 credits)
Fish Farming (3 credits)
Swine Farming (3 credits)
Production and Evaluation of Carcasses and Meat I (3 credits)
Production and Evaluation of Carcasses and Meat II (3 credits)
Fish Reproduction (2 credits)
Systematics of Poaceae and Campestre Fabaceae (4 credits)
Pasture Evaluation Techniques (3 credits)
In Vivo Carcass and Meat Evaluation Techniques (3 credits)
Special Topics in Animal Science I (2 credits)
Special Topics in Animal Science II (2 credits)
Topics in Nutrition of Small Ruminants (4 credits)

Advances in Cattle Breeding Management (3 credits)
Experimental Statistics II (6 credits)
Animal Breeding III (3 credits)
Topics of Physiology Applied to Small Ruminants (3 credits)


Permanent Faculty
Arione Augusti Boligon
Cássio Cassal Brauner
Charles Ferreira Martins
Eduardo Gonçalves Xavier
Eduardo Schmitt
Fernando Flores Cardoso
Fernando Rutz
Francisco Augusto Burkert Del Pino
Heden Luiz Marques Moreira
Isabella Dias Barbosa Silveira
Jorge Schafhäuser Junior
Juvencio Luis Osorio Fernandes Pouey
Nélson José Laurino Dionello
Otoniel Geter Lauz Ferreira
Ricardo Zambarda Vaz
Victor Fernando Büttow Roll

Associate Faculty
Hero Alfaya Júnior
Rogério Fôlha Bermudes
Stefani Macari

Number of credits required

Antiga Alfândega · Praça Domingos Rodrigues · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade