
Phone number: 32845526 – 32845545

Secretary’s office: Mirela Moraes
Caixa Postal 354, 96001-970


The Master’s Degree Program in Philosophy was established in 2007 to meet an important demand from the local and neighbor international communities’ interests (especially Uruguay and the Southern portion of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil).

In terms of education, the creation of this program aimed to consolidate the research activities undertaken by its faculty, seeking to find a point of reference in the investigations about relevant issues of moral and political philosophy.

Target Audience
Philosophers and professionals in general, mainly in bachelors in Human Sciences.

Area of Concentration

Moral and Political Philosophy

Lines of Research

Conceptions of Virtue
Critique of Morality
Law, Society and State

Study Plan

The graduate program in Moral and Political Philosophy is comprised of a common group of mandatory courses as well as of specific groups of elective courses according to the line of research.

Mandatory Courses
Virtue and Happiness
Elements of Moral Philosophy
Elements of Law Philosophy

Elective Courses
Conceptions of Virtue
Conceptions of Virtue in Ancient Philosophy
The Virtues in Medieval Philosophy
Theories of Virtue
Critique of Morality
Problems of Moral Foundation
Genealogy and Critique of Morality
Topics on Contemporary Ethics
Special topics on Metaethics
Law, Society and State
Law Contemporary Philosophies
Political Foundations of the Modern Political Thought
Society and State in Contemporary and Political Philosophy
Special Topics on Political Philosophy


Carlos Adriano Ferraz
Cláudio Leivas
Clademir Araldi
Flávia Carvalho Chagas
João Hobuss
Jovino Pizzi
Manoel Vasconcellos
Robinson dos Santos
Sérgio Strefling
Sônia Schio

Number of credits required

Antiga Alfândega · Praça Domingos Rodrigues · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade