Nutrition and Food

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The Graduate Program in Nutrition and Food (PPGNA for its spelling in Portuguese) aims to train qualified human resources to work with teaching, research, and extension activities, as well as in the development of other professional activities in the field of nutrition, food analysis and quality control.

Area of Concentration

Nutrition and Food

Lines of Research

Food analysis and quality control
This line of research focuses on the study of phytochemical and functional foods, known for their properties to keep one’s health and prevent diseases. It also addresses the bioavailability of food constituents, particularly those found to be a public health issue in the country. Additionally, this line of research enables the development of research in food quality control by improving the current methods that seek to ensure better sanitary conditions for food consumption.

This line of research aims to study the prevalence and aspects related to nutritional deficiencies in the population, with emphasis on strategic actions to minimize the effects of malnutrition. The pathological processes related to nutrition and diet, as well as the combination of other factors such as physical activity and reduced risky eating habits, which contribute to a good nutritional status, are also approached.

Study Plan

Mandatory courses
Food and nutrition
Biostatistics I
Research methodology I
Research methodology II
Thesis workshop I
Thesis workshop II
Policies and programs on Health and Nutrition

Mandatory courses for assistant students
Supervised teaching – Food
Supervised teaching – Nutrition

Elective courses in common to both lines of research
Sensory evaluation of food
Antioxidants in cardiovascular diseases
Nutritional biochemistry
Paper writing
Topics in endocrinology and nutrition

Elective courses for the line of research in Food Analysis and Quality Control
Carbohydrates in food
Microbiological tests in milk and dairy products
Lipids – Instrumental analysis
Experimental methods in nutrition
Food microbiology
Proteins in food products
Bioactive substances in food products
Topics in experimental nutrition

Elective courses for the line of research in Nutrition
Nutritional assessment
Molecular basis of obesity and diabetes
Biostatistics II
Cancer: changes in insulin signaling pathways/IGF
Nutritional epidemiology
Nutritional genomics
Clinical nutrition
Sports nutrition



Permanent Faculty
Alvaro Renato Guerra Dias; Ângela Nunes Moreira; Augusto Schneider; Carlos Castilho de Barros; Denise Petrucci Gigante; Eliezer Avila Gandra; Elizabete Helbig; Márcia Arocha Gularte; Maria Cecília Formoso Assunção; Paulo Cavalheiro Schenkel; Renata Torres Abib; Rui Carlos Zambiazi; Samanta Winck Madruga.

Associate Faculty
Giovana Duzzo Gamaro; Leonor Almeida de Souza Soares; Márcia Rúbia Duarte Buchweitz; Maria Cristina Gonzalez.

Invited Associate Faculty – CAPES
Cláudio Dias Timm; Cristina Corrêa Kaufmann; Kelly Lameiro Rodrigues; Sandra Costa Valle.


Number of credits required

Students are required to complete a minimum of 20 credits. A minimum of 12 mandatory, 7 elective and 0-2 supervised teaching credit-courses must be taken; the maximum number of credits shall be an agreement made between the student and the advisor professor.


Sala dos Conselhos Superiores da UFPEL · Antigo Lyceu Riograndense / Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel – Praça Sete de Julho, 180 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade