Water Resources

Phone number: (53) 3921 1240
e-mail: ppgrechid@gmail.com

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Hídricos – UFPel
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Rua Gomes Carneiro, 01, Centro
Campus Porto, Andar térreo do bloco B, Sala da Coordenação nº 125
CEP 96010-610, Pelotas, RS


During the 133rd meeting of the Scientific-Technical Council of Higher Education (CTC-ES), held on February 2012, the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES/MEC) accredited the Master’s Degree level Graduate Program in Water Resources at UFPEL.

This is UFPel’s first and only Graduate Program in the area of ​​Engineering submitted, reviewed and accredited by CAPES. The Program comes at a time of great relevance to the water sector, since this issue has been considered strategic at a regional and national level and has received incentives from the state government of Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal Government, as well as from UFPel itself.


The Graduate Program in Water Resources aims to train professionals at the academic master’s level and generate and disseminate knowledge and technologies through graduate teaching and research, especially on issues involving water and watershed management. To make this approach successful, the Program follows lines of research that point to studies on water as an integrating element, observing the social, political, and economic issues underpinning the necessary environmental sustainability.

In order to qualify its student body, the program offers extensive training in water resources in their different aspects and is attentive to the necessary adaptations demanded by applicants’ profiles, not restricting admissions to engineering professionals.

Students will be encouraged to perform a variety of work in the monitoring of water resources using appropriate tools and equipment and diagnose the different status in which water resources are found. Additionally, students are expected to develop the ability to target more appropriate, rational and sustainable management practices in watershed, particularly maintenance, improvement and/or remediation of the environment.

Area of Concentration

Water Resources


– Studying water resources developing basic and applied research and technology in this area;

– Producing knowledge and training skilled professionals at a Master’s level with the ability to develop projects, products, innovations, and methodologies for the monitoring, diagnosis and management of watersheds; and

– Providing an understanding of the relationship between water resources and the natural, anthropic environment so as to better use it.

Lines of Research

Monitoring and Diagnosis of Water Resources

This line of research focuses on the monitoring of water resources and the development of a diagnosis for further decision-making towards water resources. Additionally, it inter-relates the monitoring and diagnosis with other environmental natural resources, which gives researchers a broader view of the system so that a concise and coherent diagnostic can be given upon the understanding of the correct action to be taken in the environment. In addition to the generation of products and technologies for the monitoring and diagnosis of water resources, this line of investigation also addresses the application of instruments and seeks to work with monitoring mechanisms and equipment as well as information gathering.

Watershed Management

Specific lines of action

Soil water dynamics in watersheds

Pumping Stations

Hydraulic Structures

Watershed Hydrology

Hydrologic Modeling

Watershed Hydrometry


Impacts and remediation of water resources


Water quality

Impacts and Remediation of Water Resources

Water Quality in Watersheds


Study Plan


Carlos Rogério de Mello – Eng. Agrícola (UFLA)

Gilberto Loguercio Collares – Eng. Agrícola (UFPel)

Idel Cristiana Bigliardi Milani – Enga. Química (FURG)

Lessandro Coll Faria – Eng. Agrícola (UFPel)

Luis Eduardo Akiyoshi Sanches Suzuki – Eng. Agrônomo (UNESP/Ilha Solteira)

Mauricio Dai Prá – Eng. Civil (UFRGS)

Osmar Olinto Möller Junior – Oceanólogo (FURG)

Samuel Beskow – Eng. Agrícola (UFPel)

Number of credits required

Antiga Alfândega · Praça Domingos Rodrigues · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade