Social Memory and Cultural Heritage

Phone number: 55 53 32844309


Created in 2008, the Graduate Program in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage (PPGMP for its spelling in Portuguese) aims to train professionals from different fields of knowledge to work in public, private or non-governmental institutions. Responding to questions of social memory and cultural heritage, it provides educational background that allows future professionals to deal with different categories of memory management, archives and heritage collections. It also seeks to promote the valorization of communities’ self-esteem through actions intended to preserve social memory and cultural heritage through research, education, intervention, and conservation policies.

Internationalization of the PPMGP
Since it was established in 2008, the PPGMP has been promoting a growing internationalization process, strengthening partnerships with foreign universities in many ways. One way is through the organization of the annual International Seminar on Social Memory and Cultural Heritage, which has been attended by researchers from Spain, Mexico, France, and Cuba, among other countries.

PPGMP researchers have regularly obtained funding from CNPq and CAPES both to participate in international events and invite professors from foreign universities to come to UFPel. Thus, since 2008, researchers from France, the United States and Cuba have participated in the PPGMP as guest lecturers. The researchers from the PPGMP, on the other hand, have also been to foreign universities to do postdoctoral research or work as guests lecturers in postgraduate programs.

Finally, with regard to internationalization, PPGMP currently maintains three international agreements. The partner institutions are the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the University of Nice (France), and the University of Puebla (Mexico).


Area of Concentration

The Program conducts interdisciplinary studies on Social Memory and Cultural Heritage through research projects that explore the different backgrounds of its faculty: Oral History, Urban Geography, Architecture, Restoration Materials, Urbanism, Archaeology, Anthropology, Art, Music, and Photography. Its basic scope is to consider the interfaces between material and immaterial culture and the inseparability of cultural and environmental heritage.

Lines of Research

Memory and Identity
This line of research is dedicated to studying different conceptions of memory that range from the individual to the collective. It addresses the various interfaces between memory and culture and their expressions in different media (print and audiovisual) and institutions (museums, memorials, archives and documentation centers). Studies concerning claims of memory, contemporary processes of memory conflicts, political memories, obliterations and oblivions, uses of the past, transmission of traditional knowledge, labor memories as well as material and immaterial heritage are covered in this line of research.

Memory Institutions and Collections Management
This line of research discusses the role of memory institutions in the field of cultural heritage. It conducts research on policies concerning the representation and preservation of collections as well as the methodological procedures for the management and care of collections. Finally, it includes studies on legal and constitutional protection of cultural heritage.

Heritage and City
This line of investigation encompasses research on the city as a locus on the construction of memories and identities, associating issues of urbanization, social territories and symbolic construction of space through the processes of activation and representation of cultural heritage and their identity claims. Therefore, the city is studied as an index of construction of the cultural landscape, aligned with the representations of the different groups within it.

Memory and Cultural Heritage Policies in the Mercosur Region
Develops research on the history of cultural heritage policies in the Mercosur Region, discussing the contexts that establish cultural and political relations with contemporaneity. The research focuses on public policies that link memory and heritage in the Mercosur region. It also includes research on memory and collections policies within Mercosur, emphasizing the network of social meanings and practices established by different social groups. Finally, it approaches several themes found in the Southern Cone: political expressions and representations of social memories and cultural heritage linked to the social processes and conflicts related to Military Dictatorships, Human Rights and social minorities of Mercosur.

Study Plan

Total credits: 38 credits
Duration: 48 months
Degree: PhD in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage



Number of credits required

Campus das Ciências Sociais · Antiga Cosulã · Rua Coronel Alberto Rosa, 154 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade