
Phone number: 32845526 – 32845545
Caixa Postal 354, 96001-970


The non-degree graduate program in Philosophy is rooted in the institutional history of the university’s Philosophy Department. After 13 years of successful activities with the Undergraduate Program in Philosophy, the non-degree program in Moral Philosophy and Politics was established in 1997. 

In 2007, the Master’s Degree Program in Political Ethics and Philosophy was created to meet an important demand from the local and neighbor international communities’ interest (especially Uruguay and the Southern portion of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil). Translating the Philosophy Department’s tradition in research, the Program follows three lines of research: Conceptions of Virtue, Critique of Morality and Law, Society and State. Moreover, the program publishes the Dissertatio Journal, founded in 1995 and indexed in CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades) as a B1 QUALIS/CAPES journal. It also publishes the Dissertatio Philosophy Collection, which helps disseminate research carried out by the program faculty.


Area of Concentration

Political Ethics and Philosophy

Lines of Research

Conceptions of Virtue

Critique of Morality

Law, Society and State

Study Plan



Professor Carlos Adriano Ferraz (UFPel) 

Professor Cláudio Leivas (UFPel)

Professor Claudemir Araldi (UFPel) 

Professor Flávia Carvalho Chagas 

Professor João Hobuss (UFPel) 

Professor Jovino Pizza (UFPel) 

Professor Manoel Vasconcelos (UFPel) 

Professor Robinson dos Santos (UFPel)

Professor Sérgio Ricardo Strefling (UFPel) 

Professor Sônia Maria Schio (UFPel) 

Associate faculty

Professor Darlei Dall’Agnoll (UFSC) 

Professor Delamar Volpato Dutra (UFSC)


Visiting scholar

Professor Pablo da Silveira (Universidad Católica del Uruguay – UCU)

Number of credits required

Antiga Alfândega · Praça Domingos Rodrigues · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade