General Surgery

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Medical Residency is a graduate program to doctors in the form of non-degree programs, characterized by training services under the guidance of medical professionals with high ethical and professional qualification, in compliance with Law n. 6.932 of 07/07/81.

The fundamental and indivisible objectives of the Residency Programs are the progressive improvement of a doctor’s professional and scientific standards as well as the health care support in medical specialties for the community. For this purpose, resident medical students must fully comply with the theoretical and practical activities established by the Programs.

COREME (Committee of Medical Residency) is responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising, and evaluating the Residency Programs.

COREME is composed of:

A coordinator;

– A supervisor for each Medical Residency Program;

– A representative of the Vice Presidency for Research and Graduate Studies;

– A representative of the University Hospital Board of UFPel – Fau;

– A representative of the Resident Medical Students.

The coordinator is the executive agent of COREME and all Medical Residency Programs.

The coordinator position should be held by professors for a maximum of 3 (three) years, in case more than one period of consecutive administration proves necessary.

COREME shall meet monthly or extraordinarily at any time, either convened by the coordinator or half of its members, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours in advance.
The corresponding minutes are taken at each meeting and approved in the following one.

Each Residency Program has a supervisor and different preceptors responsible for students’ training each day of the week. These positions may be held by the same professional depending on the peculiarities of the Programs.

The Ministry of Education grants each resident student a scholarship.

Resident students must register with the Social Security System to assure their rights, especially those concerning occupational accident insurance, as stipulated by Law no. 6.932, of July 7th, 1981.

Upon enrollment in the Residency Program, each resident student must provide a copy of their life insurance policy, proving they are protected against any possible injury.

Considering that only medical professionals are allowed to attend the Medical Residency Program, registration in the Regional Council of Medicine is compulsory. Consequently, resident students are subject to the penalties provided in the Code of Medical Ethics.

Resident students are also subject to the following disciplinary penalties:

– Verbal warning;

– Written reprimand;

– Suspension;

– Dismissal of the Residency Program.

Successful completion of the required activities enables resident students to earn the degree of specialist and the residency completion certificate, previously inspected and registered in the National Commission of Medical Residency.

The certificates, duly signed by the resident, the Program’s supervisor, COREME’s coordinator, and UFPel’s President, are issued by the Vice Presidency for Research and Graduate Studies, which shall register it accordingly.

Coordinator of COREME: Prof. Dr. Celene Maria Longo da Silva

Area of Concentration

Lines of Research

Study Plan


Number of credits required

EBA · Antiga Escola de Belas Artes · Rua Marechal Floriano, 177 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade