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How can we bring the academic excellence fostered in big cities to more remote areas or to regions that traditionally do not have access or means to support the teaching, research and extension activities of an academic community?

This is the challenge taken up by the Coordination of the Distance Education Programs at UFPel, the sector responsible for communicating these actions in the area and democratizing access to knowledge. Through video classes as well as online and onsite tutors, hundreds of students do not need to leave their hometowns to find higher education.

These distance education initiatives put on by UFPel and promoted by the Federal Government are part of the program Universidade Aberta do Brasil (Open University of Brazil – UAB) in an effort to take the activities developed by public higher education institutions to the more remote areas of Brazil, by going virtual.

The students enrolled in UFPel programs are scattered around the three states of southern Brazil, with 39 satellite centers in Rio Grande do Sul, one in Santa Catarina and two in Paraná.

Degrees offered:
– Rural Education
– Philosophy
– Spanish
– Mathematics
– Pedagogy

Sala dos Conselhos Superiores da UFPEL · Antigo Lyceu Riograndense / Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel – Praça Sete de Julho, 180 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade

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