‘College Buddy’ Program

The project Amigo Universitário is a proposal from the International Relations department (CRInter) of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). It is linked to the teaching project entitled “International Academic Relations”, which seeks to promote contact between foreign students and student volunteers at UFPel. The goal is to allow those who participate in the project the simulated experience of cultural exchange and facilitate the visitor’s cultural acclimation.

The student selected to participate in this project will work on activities designed to facilitate the arrival of a foreign student by helping him or her adapt to the host culture. The major duties include welcoming the student, assisting him/her with finding a place to live, providing general information on the use of services (public transportation, hospitals, cell phone plans, etc.), helping with adhering to the stay permit rules, and introducing the student to his/her course, UFPel, and major tourist attractions.

The project affords the joint experiences of personal and cultural growth for both participants. Sign up is offered every semester and is meaningfully sought after by students.

Casa 08 · Praça Coronel Pedro Osório, 08 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade