Research and Innovation

DSC_0226 (Portal)

UFPEL invests in an innovation program to promote the creation and consolidation of research groups, fund-raising, the design and transfer of technologies, the dissemination of research results and incentives for actions aiming toward regional development.

With respect to research, the university presently has over 1,246 ongoing projects in several fields of knowledge and 265 research groups certified by CNPq. Over 500 scholarships classified as basic scientific and technological research and young talents awards were granted in 2013 and about 900 scholarship-holding master’s, doctoral or postdoctoral degree students are developing their activities in UFPEL’s Graduate Programs. Also in 2013, 15 new patent applications were registered in the Coordination for Technological Innovation.

EBA · Antiga Escola de Belas Artes · Rua Marechal Floriano, 177 · Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade